Allergy Shmallergy

Simplifying life for families with food allergies.

Food Allergies on a Budget September 9, 2022

It is no shock for those of us who live with this condition to learn that food allergies are expensive. The cost of medical care on top of prescription auto-injectors, grocery bills, time away from work to manage our condition, special child care (and sometimes schooling) can add up quickly. According to a 2013 study out of Northwestern University by Dr. Ruchi Gupta and others, food allergies cost over $4,100 per child in the U.S. That’s a total of over $20 billion dollars a year carried by patients and their families; $25 billion when other costs are factored in. To reduce the expense of food allergies on an individual or families budget, we need to look at a few key areas:


From the Northwestern study, it is clear that prevention saves money. Hospitalizations accounted for the largest direct medical cost with emergency department visits coming in third. One way to manage your medical costs is to check in with your healthcare provider annually. Be sure to discuss any changes in your allergy, realistic risk and lifestyle management as well as treatment options available to you. Treatment can help protect you from accidental exposure by potentially lessening the symptoms of a reaction and keep you from needing emergency services.

Epinephrine Devices

At that same yearly appointment, ask your healthcare provider which epinephrine device would be best for your lifestyle. Carrying a set of epinephrine devices is key to food allergy management and using it at the first signs of anaphylaxis can keep you out of the hospital and on the road to a quick recovery. There are many devices on the market to choose from, so finding one that fits your life should be easy. To make these more affordable:

  • Call your insurance company to see which devices they cover and at what rate. Ask questions about how often you can renew prescriptions so that you can plan accordingly when you need a second (or third) set for work, school, or child care locations.


Finding and buying allergy-friendly food can be a challenge. Dairy, egg, soy and wheat allergies – especially in combination – make purchasing safe food difficult and expensive. People with food allergies often need to shop at multiple supermarkets to find costly allergy-friendly products they can use. To save money on groceries, consider a few things:

  1. Sign up for coupons on your favorite allergy-friendly manufacturers’ websites. While many stores don’t offer discounts on these “free-from” products directly, companies often offer. For example, if you scroll to the bottom of their homepages, Enjoy Life foods, Sunbutter, and others, offer coupons for both American and Canadian customers.
  2. Use simple substitutions. Sure, you can bake with a speciality egg replacer at $6.50 a box. OR, you could use applesauce ($3.25 per jar), aquafaba (made from the chickpea water, $0.85 per can), or other similar substitutes.
  3. Buy in bulk. We all know that bulk pricing lowers the cost per unit (ounce, pound, etc) than a product’s smaller counterparts. Consider buying food in bulk that you use often in larger quantities or that have long shelf lives. Also consider splitting the cost and contents of a bulk item (especially if it will spoil, like fruit, vegetables or meat) with a friend or member of your family – that way, you both get the best price!
  4. Create a meal plan that utilizes leftovers from one meal to create another later in the week. You might have hamburgers one night and use the leftover ground meat to make tacos, meatballs, or chili another night.
  5. Create a shopping list and stick with it. If you plan your meals, this is all you should need for the week or month.
  6. Once you have your list, visit the website of the supermarkets near you to find the best prices. One store may be having a sale on just the item you need! And while you’re there, sign up for and take advantage of store loyalty cards. You can load coupons and discounts onto the card itself, so that all you need to do is enter your phone number at checkout to receive all the savings.
  7. Pay in cash if you can. Create a grocery budget for the week or month and pay in cash. This makes you even more conscientious of your purchases so you don’t end up with a surprise at the check-out counter.
  8. Save yourself a trip to a second or third store for those few allergy-friendly products they stock. Each stop means more time, more gas, and more temptation for impulse purchases. See if your item can be shipped to you via Amazon, Peapod, Walmart, Target, Costco, etc.

Food Assistance

Food assistance programs are a great way to get the food you need. Both the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infant, Children programs (WIC) are run by each state and offer a monthly stipend to be used on qualified products. Hint: your SNAP dollars go further at farmer’s markets!

Contact your local school to discuss availability of free breakfast and lunch programs. Some programs extend into the summer months, so be sure to inquire about how to access that benefit after school ends. These programs are available through the USDA and other non-profit organizations. While you’re there, also ask about weekend backpack programs run through food pantries and other non-profits.

If you need further assistance, contact a local food bank or food pantry. There are many tips for safely navigating the food pantry, so be sure to read through these suggestions. If possible, sign up to choose the items you need yourself (rather than having a box preprepared for you) – that way, you can pick food you like and read ingredient lists to make sure they are free from your allergen.

Medical Care

Contact your state to see if you qualify for Medicaid, an insurance program that provides medical coverage for individuals and families. If you do not, consider the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), also offered by each state. CHIP provides low-cost medical coverage to children (and sometimes to pregnant women) who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid. Like Medicaid, CHIP covers routine check ups, vaccinations, dental and vision care, emergency services and more.

Some health providers will work with insurance on behalf of patients with medically-necessary diets, like food allergies. When presented with a convincing case, some insurers may cover the cost of specialty food and/or help with food assistance programs.

Larger healthcare systems sometimes offer Food Is Medicine programs which can include access to food pantries. Inquire whether your provider knows of one near you and/or check with your local hospital/healthcare system about availability and qualification.

There’s no doubt that food allergies are expensive. But taking care of yourself, planning ahead, and reaching out for help when needed can go a long way in reducing cost AND stress.


FDA Issues Guidance Regarding Sesame Labeling November 13, 2020

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On November 10, 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance to manufacturers regarding the labeling of sesame seeds and in food products. Allergy Shmallergy and AllergyStrong have tirelessly advocated for better labeling for sesame seeds alongside the Allergy & Asthma Network and others for years. We see this is a positive first step in achieving our goal of mandatory labeling.

Currently, sesame is the 9th most common allergen in the US and is not required to be clearly labeled on food ingredient labels. Unlike the requirement to label allergens in the “Top 8” (the eight most common food allergens) by their common, most recognizable name, sesame can be hidden under alternate, foreign names (like “tahini” or “bene seed”) or general terms such as “spices” or “natural flavors.” This means that patients who have a sesame seed allergy never truly know whether a food is safe for them by reading an ingredient label.

In the draft guidance, the FDA encourages (but does not require) food manufacturers to label for sesame. Susan Mayne, Director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition states, “Many Americans are allergic or sensitive to sesame, and they need the ability to quickly identify products that might contain sesame.” She notes that while most products that contain sesame are labeled properly, some ingredients are made from sesame seeds but are labeled otherwise. Consumers may not be familiar with these alternative names on a product label’s ingredient list.

Sesame seed allergies are on the rise in the United States. A 2019 study conducted by Dr. Ruchi Gupta and her team at Northwestern University shows that sesame allergy affects 0.23% of the U.S. population amounting to over 1.5 million patients nationwide – making it almost as common as soy or pistachio allergies which are required to be labeled as part of Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). And 4 out 5 patients with sesame allergy report having at least one additional allergy to manage.

1 in 3 patients with a sesame allergy have reported serious reactions. Given its rising prevalence combined with potentially dangerous reactions, it is surprising that updated guidance hasn’t been issued sooner. This move by the FDA is a positive first step towards mandatory labeling. Continued education about sesame seed allergy is needed so that lawmakers and food manufacturers can better protect their allergic consumers and bring the US labeling laws into better alignment with the other major Westernized nations. Currently, Canada, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand require sesame to be labeled in ingredient lists on all food products.

In the meantime, the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education & Research (FASTER) Act, H.R. 2117, S. 3451 has been introduced in both the House and Senate with the hope of getting it signed into law before the end of the year. Among the items included in the the FASTER Act is the proposal to update the current labeling laws (under FALCPA) to include sesame seeds.


Important Update: FDA Temporary Labeling Policy June 22, 2020



AllergyStrong has participated in several discussions with the US Food & Drug Administration in partnership with several passionate food allergy advocacy organizations to ensure protections for food allergy consumers.


Our most recent meeting offered an opportunity for the food allergy community to voice its concerns based on our daily challenges with food purchasing.  Additionally, we were able to learn more about the policy itself as well as manufacturers initial reactions.


The food allergy community should feel reassured that the FDA understands our concerns and is working with advocates to keep patients safe.  They underscored their commitment to transparency in our meeting and demonstrated their willingness to respond to our concerns.


Background:  The FDA relaxed it requirements for food labeling on May 22, 2020 in order to preserve the food supply chain during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In short, this temporary policy allows manufacturers to substitute minor ingredients without issuing a label change. [Read FDA Issues Temporary Policy Allowing Some Substitutions in Food for details of this policy.]


The FDA is trying to balance food safety with food security during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They believe this guidance provides the flexibility needed by manufacturers with guardrails to ward against adverse health effects.





FDA’s Stance on Food Allergies in Relation to this Policy:

  • Although the FDA gives limited flexibility to manufacturers to substitute minor ingredients, it does not compromise on food allergens because they represent a health and safety risk.
  • The Top 8 allergens (peanut, tree nuts, milk, egg, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish) cannot be substituted in for another ingredient without an appropriate label change.
  • Additionally, gluten, sulfites, glutamates and other ingredients known to cause sensitivity in people cannot be substituted in for another ingredient.
  • Finally, manufacturers are warned against substituting in priority allergens (such as sesame, celery, lupin, buckwheat, molluscan shellfish, and mustard) that are common in other parts of the world without a label change.



Latest Information and Clarification:

  • We urged the FDA to require more transparency from manufacturers when they need to substitute an ingredient.  Advocates and the FDA agreed that a sticker that sits on top of the ingredient label on packaging to indicate the most current ingredients would be best.
  • The FDA is also recommending that substitution information to be listed on manufacturers websites and signage be placed at the point of sale.
  • Following conversations with the food industry, the FDA stated that manufacturers do not want to make changes to their products unless forced to by circumstance.  They expect to see this policy employed rarely and to see omissions rather than substitutions.


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In response to our conversation, the FDA issues an FAQ page on this policy with further clarifications.


AllergyStrong will continue to track this policy and keep you informed.  We will continue our conversations with the FDA to best support food allergic consumers and ensure food safety and transparency for all.





IMPORTANT: FDA Issues Temporary Policy Allowing Some Substitutions in Food May 26, 2020



The FDA just released a temporary relaxation of its food labeling policy.  This temporary change comes into effect to prevent shortages and manage delays in the food chain supply during the COVID-19 crisis.  This policy will remain in effect through the end of the public health crisis.  Although the policy takes food allergies into consideration, it may have an affect on the safety of food particularly for those who allergies fall outside of the Top 8 (peanut, tree nut, dairy, egg, wheat, soy, fin fish, and shellfish).


“The food industry has requested flexibility when manufacturers need to make such minor formulation changes… that may cause the finished food label to be incorrect, but that do not pose a health or safety issue and do not cause significant changes in the finished food due to the temporary formulation modifications.”


The policy allows manufacturers to:

  • Make minor formula changes consistent with the product’s taste, texture and integrity; and
  • Continue labeling their original ingredient list without noting changes made.


[Read FDA’s statement summary here.]



Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay


The specifics of the policy offer a few important details:

  1. On page 6, FDA encourages manufacturers to make label changes whenever possible noting that consumers rely on those labels to make informed choices. They are not, however, required to alter their labels during this time.  If labeling cannot be changed on the package, the FDA recommends companies use alternative means of informing consumers for transparency, such as posting information on their website or applying stickers to packaging.
  2. As always, flexibility remains in place for formulations of generically grouped ingredients, such as “spices”, “flavoring” or “color,” and can be changed without relabeling.
  3. The FDA is authorizing this flexibility for minor ingredient changes.  When considering these “minor” ingredients, the FDA highlights:
    • Safety: does the ingredient substitution cause an adverse health effect (such as food allergens)?;
    • Quantity: the substitution must generally be for ingredients that comprise 2% or less of the finished food/final product;
    • Prominence: the substitution should not conflict with a major component of the product (for example, wheat in a muffin);
    • Characterizing Ingredient: the substitution/omission should not represent the ingredient that defines the product (such as raisins in a raisin bagel); and
    • Nutritional/Other Claims: the substitution should not misrepresent nutritional or other claims made about the product.


Faced with supply issues of their own, manufacturers can now reduce the amount of ingredient they use or choose to omit it altogether.  Additionally, they may temporarily substitute an ingredient that is less than 2% of its finished product.  The FDA encourages manufacturers to consider allergens (the Top 8 allergens as well as many common allergens beyond) before making a change and suggest labeling should such a change be necessary [page 8].  


The FDA policy outlines several areas where it will not object to substitutions [page 10].  One area of possible note for those with food allergies is Fats and Oils.  The FDA will not object to a swap of fats and oils as long as they do not pose an obvious allergenic risk (say using peanut oil instead of vegetable oil) and is derived from the same source (plant, animal, etc) and are highly refined.  They specifically mention a hypothetical scenario where a manufacturer might substitute canola oil for sunflower oil.  Speak to your allergist about your personal risk with refined oils and these possible substitutions.


As we strive to understand how this policy will impact our community, we recommend that those with food allergies:

  • Read ingredient labels carefully, looking for stickers or other notifications of ingredient substitutions;
  • Call manufacturers and/or check on their websites frequently to understand which products may be affected by substitutions; and
  • Speak with your allergist about these changes and how they may affect your specific allergies.



[Read the FDA’s full policy here:  Temporary Policy Regarding Certain Food Labeling Requirements During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Minor Formulation Changes and Vending Machines]


The FDA has issued this guidance without public comment due to the emergency circumstances.  However, their policy notes, “This guidance document is being implemented immediately, but it remains subject to comment in accordance with FDA’s good guidance practices.

Comments may be submitted at any time for FDA consideration. Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit electronic comments to All comments should be identified with the docket number FDA-2020-D-1139 and complete title of the guidance in the request.”


Food Allergies at the Food Pantry – Need Assistance? May 12, 2020



Photo by Monirb CC BY-SA 4.0

Affording safe food is on the minds of many right now.  With layoffs, furloughs and unemployment, more people are turning to food pantries than ever.  But if you have a food allergy, you may be concerned about facing challenges to obtaining safe food.


If you have food allergies and need food assistance, here are some things to keep in mind.


Tips for Those Who Need Assistance


  • If you’re lucky to live near one, there are a few food allergy-specific food pantries operating in the United States.  Note: some have suspended operations due to COVID-19. They may, however, still be a resource for information during the lockdown.  Check out each organization’s page for eligibility requirements.


  • There are many local food pantries kindly serving the public right now and some are willing or already stocking safe supplies.


  • If you’re looking for specific allergy-friendly (or “free-from”) staples, those goods may be harder to find.  Sometimes, food pantries will shop for/hold items for those with medically necessary diets.  Call your local food pantry and explain your family’s needs.


  • Rather than relying on staff, check the food choices for you/your family personally, taking time to read labels.


  • Many of us are relying on brands we haven’t used before.  Read the ingredient labels of all food carefully.  Remember that allergens outside of the top 8 (dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish) are not required to be labeled by their common name.  And manufacturers are not required to label for possible cross-contamination.  Call the manufacturer directly for more information.


  • If there are prepared meals on site, ask a supervisor about whether the staff receives food allergy training and/or take measures to prevent cross-contact and always have your epinephrine auto-injector with you as usual.


  • Many schools are offering free lunches to their students.  Some are naturally free of certain allergens (often peanuts and tree nuts).  Call your local school district and speak with the food services manager to get details on how your district handles food allergies in these packaged meals.



  • It was just announced that SNAP recipients can buy groceries through Amazon. Shoppers get free delivery when they spend over $25.  Visit for more information.



  • Make your resources go further!  Use fresh food first, followed by frozen foods and pantry items.  Planning meal ahead of time with a thought towards how to incorporate leftovers into future meals helps eliminate waste and makes the best use of your food.


  • Food substitutions may be more practical than expensive free-from products.  For example, using applesauce ($2.75/jar) when baking may cheaper than buying specialty egg-replacer ($6.99/box). There are many great places to find these substitutions, like this one from Kids with Food Allergies.




Free-From Manufacturers Who SHIP TO YOU! April 18, 2020


Photo by Wonderland via Flickr, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)


It’s rough getting groceries these days!  You never know what you’ll see or miss at the supermarket.  One day it’s bread, the next it’s chicken!  And, those empty shelves can be a little disheartening.  It is even worse when you rely on a specific product to keep you safe and out of the hospital.


While most consumers can get by with a different brand here and there, families with food allergies can’t.  They depend heavily on specific brands and products to keep them fed and safe from experiencing a severe allergic reaction called, anaphylaxis.  “Free-from foods” are often in smaller supply than their  regular counterparts without a global pandemic. Because many consumers are buying in bulk (or sometimes panic buying) as they shelter-in-place, it often means food allergy-friendly essentials are unavailable to those whose health depends on them.


Let’s take a look at how to get the food you or your family needs as they STAY HOME and shelter-in-place:

Good tip:  Some companies are running a little behind on shipment (only a week) so order BEFORE you need something urgently.


We’ve noticed that some big box stores are selling certain free-from items online and are willing to ship things like gluten-free pastas (whereas boxes of regular pasta are often “in-store only” products). It’s worth taking a quick peek at these sites if you need a product more urgently since they tend to ship food fairly quickly.


Cold products (those that need to be refrigerated or frozen) are best purchased directly at the store or through a local delivery service (such as Instacart, PeaPod, etc).


Some items that are hard to find in person, are easy to find online.  Some free-from/allergy-friendly brands are shipping directly to their customers.  Look at all the manufacturers who are working overtime to ensure you get the products you need!


If you’re looking for a big or little treat, why not try a food allergy-friendly bakery?  Some are local (for pick up) and others you can order online.  Here’s Allergy Shmallergy’s list of Allergy Friendly Bakeries.


Allergic Living also compiled an excellent list of how manufacturers are handling the increased need for their products during the coronavirus – read here.


(Do you have a free-from product you’ve been purchasing directly?  Leave us a comment and we’ll add it to the list for other families!)


Schar  – offers gluten-free products including breads, snacks and pasta

Enjoy Life – offers products free from the Top 14 allergens!  Enjoy Life makes snack foods as well as baking supplies (chocolate chips, flour, pizza flour, etc).

Vermont Nut Free Chocolate – this feels critical to me!  I’ve already had enough chocolate to become a living, breathing chocolate Easter bunny.

Namaste – recommended by a baker, this is a great resource for gluten-free and allergy-friendly baking and waffle mixes, soups and pasta mixes.

Made Good – known for their granola bars and cookies, Made Good is currently offering 35% off plus free shipping!

Ener-G – Known widely for its egg-free egg replacer and gluten-free products.

WowButter – a tree nut and peanut-free sunflower butter now ships directly!

The Gluten and Grain-Free Gourmet – offers gluten, dairy and soy-free products.  Paleo friendly.

Safely Delicious – snacks that are free from gluten, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, and egg PLUS they are donating a portion of their proceeds to SpokinCares and Food Equality Initiative.

Eleni’s New York – the delicious, safe nut-free cookies can be delivered right to your door!!

The Gluten-Free Bar – selling gluten-free granola bars and bites!  On sale now…. stock up!

Cherrybrook Kitchen – their gluten, dairy, peanut, nut-free baking and breakfast mixes have been a staple of many pantries.

No Whey Chocolates – Chocaholics rejoice.  These are dairy, peanut, tree nut and soy-free.

ZEGO Foods – These healthy bars and mix-ins are full of the good stuff with none of the allergens.  For real – they are free of the Top 14 (check out their allergen statement!)

OWYN – selling plant-based protein drinks as well as dairy-free milk!

Kate’s Safe and Sweet – free from peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, shellfish, dairy and eggs (as well as pea, legume, sesame, chickpea and coconut-free!), Kate’s cake mixes, frosting, food coloring and accessories ship quickly straight to you!

Senza Gluten – This 100% gluten-free restaurant and bakery in NYC is closed through May 1st, but lucky for us they ship!

Kips – Who doesn’t love Top 8 free granola bark?!  Free from peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish.

Baked Cravings – Too many amazing tree nut and peanut free treats to name!  Ships nationally!

Simple Kneads – Small batch baked goods in a dedicated gluten-free facility.  I can smell the bread from here!

Partake Foods – Makers of delicious gluten-free, vegan (dairy and egg-free) cookies.


But wait, there’s more!

Should you need an epinephrine auto-injector refill and wish to avoid the pharmacy, remember that many pharmacies are delivering prescriptions free of charge.  And, Auvi-Q continues to serve patients through its excellent home delivery program that ships straight to your door!



Is it Safe? Chocolate vs. Food Allergies February 7, 2020

coffee dark candy chocolate

Photo by Pixabay on

Chocolate might just be the key to the heart.  But if you have food allergies, proceed with caution – Chocolate can contain a number of common allergens.  Although people can be allergic to the proteins in chocolate itself (often times to cocoa), patients typically react to one of the many other common ingredients in chocolate products.  These are dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and corn among others.


Under the U.S. Food Allergy Labeling and Consumer Protection Act, food manufacturers must label for the top 8 allergens (milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish).  Sometimes, however, allergens are present in a food but not named on the ingredient list.  Undeclared milk is the most frequently cited reason for FDA product recalls and chocolate is one of the most common products that causes consumer reactions.


What about dark chocolate? That’s safe, right?

Dark chocolate can contain milk even when it isn’t listed as an ingredient.  In fact, in 2017 the Food & Drug Administration conducted a study, testing nearly 100 different chocolate bars.  Only 6 listed dairy as an ingredient.  Of the remaining bars, 61% contained milk.  Why is this?  Dark chocolate is often produced on the same equipment as milk chocolate which cross-contaminates it making it unsafe for those with dairy allergies.


The FDA also found that milk was present in 3 out of every 4 dark chocolate products with advisory statements, such as “may contain” or “made on equipment with.”  These advisory statements are voluntary, so be sure to call the manufacturer if you don’t see one present.


What if I’m not allergic to milk? How do other food allergies fair?

Although dairy is one of the most common causes of allergic reactions when consumers eat chocolate, it’s not the only allergen to be concerned about.  Candy, treats and dessert products are often processed on shared lines with other ingredients and cross-contamination is a problem.


If you’re allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, soy, corn, eggs and wheat you should also be careful – as should patients with celiac disease.


milk chocolates

White Chocolate?  Please tell me I can have that…!

White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, milk, sugar and vanilla.  Manufacturers also often add soy.  Just as with milk or dark chocolate, it can contain other common allergens such as wheat, corn, peanut or tree nuts that could cause a reaction.  If you are allergic to one of those allergens, you may wish to steer clear of white chocolate as well.


What IS Safe?  A lot actually!

If your mouth is watering just looking at square of chocolate, don’t despair!  Here are some allergy-friendly options to satisfy that sweet tooth:


Disclaimer: Manufacturers change their practices often and without warning. Always check the ingredient label and call the manufacturer should you have further questions.


[This is not a sponsored post.]


Andes Candies

These refreshing chocolate and mint treats are peanut, tree nut, and gluten-free and produced in a peanut, tree nut, gluten and egg-free facility.



SOME of Dove’s product line (Silky Smooth) are made free of peanuts and tree nuts in a peanut/tree nut-free facility (see link).  However, be sure to read labels carefully because Dove makes other products that contain nuts or could be cross-contaminated with them.


Enjoy Life

Enjoy Life’s products are always free from peanuts, tree nut, dairy, eggs, soy, wheat/gluten, fish, shellfish, sesame, sulfites, mustard, lupin, and crustaceans.  And you can sometimes find it in your local grocery store!


Free2B Sun Cups

For those with peanut, tree nut, and/or dairy allergies, these sunbutter filled chocolate cups are just as good as their peanut butter counterparts but SAFE!  All of their products are free of the top 12 allergens (dairy, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, shellfish, sesame, corn, mustard, and coconut).



Contact Hershey’s to get the latest allergen information.  They have a fair number of gluten-free products.  Milk-chocolate Hershey’s kisses were processed in a peanut and tree nut-free facility on peanut and tree nut-free lines as of summer 2019.  Plus, Hershey’s utilizes good labeling practices, offering thorough ingredient and advisory labels.


No Whey Chocolate

No Whey Chocolate products are always free from peanuts, tree nut, dairy, gluten, egg, soy, and artificial colors and flavors. (Plus, they’re vegan and kosher!)


PASCHA chocolates

PASCHA products are free from peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, wheat/gluten, soy, sesame, fish, shellfish.  Check out their website where they clearly label their (lack of – *except soy*) cross-contamination list.


Safe Sweets

This family owned company makes treats that are peanut, tree nut, dairy, and gluten-free in a free-from facility. Many of their products are also soy-free – be sure to check their FAQ section to identify which ones.  (They are also kosher pareve and some products are vegan!)


Vermont Nut Free Chocolate

It’s in the name: nut-free chocolate that’s delicious and easy to order.  They are very allergy-aware and will label if a product is processed alongside anything in the top 8 allergens.  You can find these in stores or order online.


Food Allergy Family in Need January 31, 2019



Please review the Amazon Wish List (below) to help.


Many at-risk and food insecure families across the country (and around the world) struggle with the cost of allergy-friendly food. Families in crisis – that are already struggling with major obstacles – are forced to make difficult decisions about how to feed and care for their food allergic children. They are sometimes forced to decide between feeding a child safely or at all.


To face this terrible situation breaks my heart.


I’m consulting with a case worker who has a family struggling with these very issues.  Their child has multiple food allergies and they are struggling to afford the free-from food they require.  They are in crisis.  Let’s make things easier for them.  We can help this family feed their young child as they weather this difficult transition. Please visit AllergyStrong or Allergy Shmallergy‘s Facebook page for more information.


AllergyStrong Amazon Wish List


Thank you in advance!




Nut or Not? Food Allergy Facts and Myths January 2, 2018

When you get a food allergy diagnosis, there is so much to learn… including what foods ARE and ARE NOT safe to eat. Let’s clear up some of the confusion surrounding different allergens and which food groups they belong in.  As always, speak with your allergist before adding any new food into your diet.

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COCONUT:  Coconuts are actually a member of the palm fruit family.  And, although they have “nut” in the name, they are not officially a nut.  That said, the FDA classifies them as a nut so you will see “TREE NUTS” listed on many U.S. product labels when coconut is an ingredient.

Verdict: While some people are allergic to coconut, most patients with a tree nut allergy can safely eat it.  Speak with your doctor before trying.

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NUTMEG:  Nutmeg is a spice that comes from seeds, not nuts.  Again, although “nut” is in the name, it’s technically NOT a tree nut.

Verdict:  According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), it can safely be consumed by those with tree nut allergies.

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PINE NUTS:  You may have heard the rumor that pine nuts are actually seeds.  And, that’s true.  BUT, there is some evidence of cross-reaction between pine nuts and peanut and almond allergies.  Doctors and researchers cannot isolate whether reactions to pine nuts are due to cross-reaction or to a separate pine nut allergy.  The FDA labels it as a tree nut.

Verdict:  Those allergic to tree nuts should AVOID eating pine nuts.

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WATER CHESTNUTS:  Another case of mislabeling.  Water Chestnuts are an aquatic vegetable.  They are named for their shape that resembles a chestnut.  Like any food, occasionally people find themselves allergic to water chestnuts.  But they are not tree nuts.

Verdict:  Those with tree nut allergies do NOT need to avoid water chestnuts.

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SHEA NUT:  Shea nut butter and shea nut oil can be found in many skin and beauty products.  Both shea nut butter and shea nut oil are derived from the seed of the shea tree’s fruit.  The shea nut is a distant relative of the Brazil nut and, as such, FDA considers shea nut a tree nut and will label it as such on ingredient lists.  Per Dr. Sicherer (via Allergic Living, read more here), studies have shown that only trace amounts of protein reside in shea nut butter or oil and no reports of topical immediate reaction or ingestion have been reported.

Verdict: Although allergy to shea nut appears to be unlikely because shea nut butter and oil lacks protein, please discuss with your allergist to get individualized guidance.

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ARGAN OIL:  Argan oil comes from the nut of a tree commonly found in the Moroccan desert.  Because the oil is cold-pressed, it is likely to contain protein. Argan oil is becoming an increasingly common ingredient in hair products such as styling oil, shampoo, conditioner as well as other beauty products.  You should check out how they’re made; it’s surprising!

Verdict:  If you’re allergic to tree nuts, it’s probably best to avoid Argan oil until you discuss with your allergist.

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BUTTERNUT SQUASH:  Again, it’s a misnomer:  there is “nut” in the name, but not in the product.  As you guessed, butternut squash is a vegetable.

Verdict:  Butternut squash is not only safe for those with tree nuts to consume, it’s also delicious!

THE BOTTOM LINE:  Most of the above products are safe for those with food allergies (woohoo!), but you should always discuss your particular allergies with your doctor before adding any food you are unsure of to your diet.

For your reference, here is the US Food and Drug Administration’s list of Tree Nuts:

  • Almond
  • Beech Nut
  • Brazil Nut
  • Butternut
  • Cashew
  • Chestnut
  • Chinquapin
  • Coconut
  • Filbert/Hazelnut
  • Ginko Nut
  • Hickory Nut
  • Lichee Nut
  • Macadamia Nut/Bush Nut
  • Pecan
  • Pine Nut/Pinon Nut
  • Pili Nut
  • Pistachio
  • Sheanut
  • Walnut/Heartnut/Butternut

New Snack Alert! Enjoy Life Granola Bars September 6, 2017

Note: Enjoy Life sent me their new granola flavors to sample.  I am reviewing because I truly enjoyed them and believe they are a good product for families like mine.

Your lunch game just got easier.  Enjoy Life recently released granola bars in a few new flavors – and they are anything but ordinary.  While on vacation with our extended family, we decided to have a taste test.  We’re a picky crew, because between us we are allergic to:  peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, dairy, eggs, pineapple, shrimp, salmon and gluten (celiac).


Amazingly, these were a big hit with everyone, allergic and otherwise.  Everyone had their own favorite flavor.  Mine was the Caramel Blondie.  Sweet and buttery, the caramel tasted fantastic dotted with chocolate chips.  Why hasn’t this flavor been created sooner?!

My cousin, a chef, loved the Carrot Cake granola bars.   The cinnamon-y, pumpkin spice flavor was just right balanced against the sweet carrot taste.  Your kids will LOVE eating their vegetables this way!  If only it counted towards their daily intake!

Her daughter, 6, preferred the Lemon Blueberry Poppy Seed.  What a sophisticated palate – clearly the child of a cook!  These were moist and delicious like the others.  The blueberry and poppy tastes were complimented by the citrusy lemon.  Yum!  I’d eat these for breakfast!  Is that a thing?!


Best of all, as always Enjoy Life is free from: gluten, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, soy, fish and shellfish and are Kosher and Halal and non-GMO.








Okay, I Give… What is Aquafaba? October 24, 2016

Filed under: Grocery and Supermarkets — malawer @ 10:43 am
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I keep hearing about this wünder-ingredient called aquafaba.  Aquafaba is showing up everywhere these days from cooking shows to fitness magazines.  People are obsessing over it.  It’s clearly the hot new thing, the ingredient du moment … which admittedly made me want to ignore it for a little while.


But after all of this exposure, I’ve been worn down!  I give… What is aquafaba?


Aquafaba is the thick liquid that forms as a result of soaking or cooking legumes (such as beans) for a while.  You know the viscous liquid you find in canned chickpeas?  That’s aquafaba!  And to think most of us have probably just poured it right down the drain.


As it turns out, aquafaba is one of the best egg substitutes, swapping for eggs in everything from meringues and mayonnaise to waffles, cappuccinos and cocktails.



How do you use it?

If the aquafaba is already fairly thick, you can begin using it right from the can.  Otherwise, you may wish to reduce the water to thicken the liquid on the stove (by no more than 25%).

Substitute Amounts:

1 Tablespoon aquafaba = 1 egg yolk
2 Tbsp aquafaba = 1 egg white
3 Tbsp aquafaba = 1 whole egg


I finally understand why aquafaba is blowing up in vegan circles.  It will be fabulous as a substitute for those allergic to eggs.  Start playing with it and send me your best concoctions!  I can’t wait to hear how it’s being used!


Now, I’m off to make chocolate chip cookies – egg-free!  (And, I may or may not be eating the dough with a spoon…it IS worry-free, afterall!)




New and Safe for Your Lunchbox! Enjoy Life Mini Cookies October 8, 2016

 This is a sponsored post.

We have a hard time finding safe baked goods.  Between actual ingredients used in the items and processing issues (may contain, made on equipment with…), it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack trying to buy something off the shelf for a family managing multiple food allergies.

I often find myself baking late into the night so that my son has fun and delicious treats to eat after school or to share with a playmate. But, homemade products aren’t always a practical option and worse, they don’t last that long.

I know most of you can relate.  Well, problem solved!  Enjoy Life, who produce food always free from an amazing number of allergens, just released a line of Mini Cookies.


The Mini Cookies line include: Soft Baked and Crunchy Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate Brownie, Crunchy Double Chocolate, Crunchy Vanilla Honey Graham, Snickerdoodle, and Sugar Crisp.  They are Kosher, Halal, are non-GMO and use no artificial ingredients!  They’re better than homemade!





The Soft Baked Snickerdoodle cookies were perfect for toting along to my daughter’s playground play date.  They kept fresh in their pouches, despite the muggy weather and the kids DEVOURED them.  The parents were able to get in on the action and loved this flavor.  Bonus:  safe for every kid there despite varying food sensitivities!


Enjoy Life’s Mini Cookies are a lifesaver in the  morning.  I can’t tell you how happy my tired brain was when I remembered to throw in this surprise snack into my son’s lunch!  He was thrilled!

These Crunchy Sugar Crisps were an easy snack to supply for the whole flag football team. No matter the allergy or sensitivity, everyone (including siblings) could enjoy a pouch of these crispy, crunchy and satisfying cookies.

Go out and give them a shot.  I think, like me, you’ll be hooked.  The Crunchy Double Chocolate flavor is already on my grocery list for this week!